Monday, April 1, 2013

Hidden Mesa, Franktown, CO

Hidden Mesa Trail is South of Parker and North of Franktown off highway 86. It's a bit of a local gem as it's primarily a trial ride (95%) with a good climb out, a technical bit in the middle that will provide some fun, challenge, and a bit of blood. There's some pretty smooth single track throughout, and the technical bits are short enough to walk through if need be. This trail works well as both a run and a ride. You could likely get away with a hardtail here and not have any issues - but taking advantage of some jumps in the rock garden a full squish never hurts.

Getting There:

You can head to these coordinates to find the trail head 39.40954, -104.76221. There's a large porta potty (see the brown hut in the picture) that can be used for changing if need be. There's no running water, so be sure to bring your own. There are some covered picnic tables, so bring a meal and a beer for after. 

The trail head is about 10 minutes south of Parker.

There's another trial head here: 39.40571, -104.80292 
which will start you off at the top of the mesa and let you avoid most of the climbing. 

Trail Head:

There is a covered area with picnic tables and a large size porta-potty. You can change in there if you like, but I usually take my chances in the car. We did find out that beer is allowed, but it has to be 3.2 and in a can.

The Run:

This is a lollipop loop, with approximately 2 miles to the loop, 2.3 miles around the loop and 2 miles back. We typically run the loop a few times in either direction to keep things mixed up. I'm typically good for about three loops by either running or riding... and then I'm done.

Mile 0: Start off by looking for the dirt trail heading West. It's hard to miss.

Mile 0.5: You'll cross a bridge over Cherry Creek, hang a right (North) at the paved trail. This is the Cherry Creek Trail, you won't be on here for long.

Mile 0.9: Keep an eye out for the sign on the left that will direct you towards the main loop. You'll take a left to get back on dirt. From here you'll have a steady climb to the top of the mesa. The last 0.1 miles of the climb get a bit gnarly, on foot or on bike. It can be done provided it's not too washed out.

Mile 2.3: You've made it to the top. Now it gets fun. You can go either left or right, but I typically go right to start (further up the hill) just to get it out of the way. This also gets you to the rock garden a bit more quickly. This is a great area to work on jumps, hops, navigating drops, etc.

Mile 4.5: Back to the start of the loop. Head back down or take off for another loop or two.

The Trail:

The trail is packed single track mixed with a short bit (<05.mi) of Multi Use Path, and some rocky sections. Everything is run-able, and with little to no coverage out there it dries very quickly after snow and rain. Watch out for your trail brothers and sisters, and remind them to get off the trail if they're doing bike maintenance. Bring water and sunscreen.

Horses are common, as there is a horse lot at the trailhead. Be nice to them, they clear all the crap out of the trails for the rest of us, ironically, they also leave crap on the trails. Practice your bunny hops.

Prairie Dogs can also be a nuisance, and they mock you if you fall.

Trail Stats:

Lollipop, 6.7 miles with one loop up top. Ran it in 1:01, biked it with three loops up top from main trail head in 54 minutes.

Trailhead Parking. I've never run out of room here. 

0.9 Miles in be sure to hang a left to head to the mesa.

Some double track to get you going.

You'll find a cow gate as you're heading up to the loop. 

At the start of the lollipop you'll find some directional and distance markers.

Heading through the rock garden

 Don't be intimidated by the locals

Single track and Pike's Peak

If you're feeling adventurous on the bike there are plenty of places to hurt yourself in the rock garden.

The first two miles out are at about 4%... it gets relatively flat after that.

You start on the East side and head West to begin.

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